Project set up


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How to have your project set up?

  • We need to collect information from your traits to generate a data collection spreadsheet for your project.

Before you start collecting phenotypic data in your trial, please get in touch with us via Screenshot of main code listing to setup your project in KnowPulse. One of us will help you to set up all the details and register you under your project. Meanwhile, we need to collect detailed information about your project, including Project Name and Project Description. After that, you will be able to access the following information:

More information

All the data collecting, uploading, and downloading instructions from previous episodes can also be found in a video demonstration format (requires log in to access).

If you need further clarification on any issue or encounter any technical difficulties, please get in touch with us.

Key Points

  • Log in KnowPulse with your user account to find out about your project.

  • Please provide a detailed description of your traits.