PCR Program for KASP Assays


Teaching: 20 minutes
Exercises: 1.5 hours
  • How to use PCR program for KASP assays?

  • How to plot the data?

  • Run PCR program for KASP assays.

  • Determine the lines score for each respective allele after plotting your data.

Notes before starting PCR:

The following is the standard PCR program we use for KASP assays using high-quality DNA (CTAB, Qiagen kits). We have added a few cycles to the program recommended by LGCBiosciences in the KASP Manual.

Screenshot of main code listing

Notes on Program(s):

Plotting the Data:

Notes on KASP Assays:

This is an example of a good KASP assay result: Screenshot of main code listing

This is an example of a KASP assay scoring heterozygous samples: Screenshot of main code listing

This is an example showing the plotting of 5 time-points from the same KASP run Screenshot of main code listing

Key Points

  • Read through carefully before performing this protocol.